Friday, September 22, 2017

The Hope Boxed in the Attic & A Mental Health Break

Today I faced a very sobering thing, boxing up Molly's baby clothes and putting them in the attic. Every adorable garment reminded me of just how tiny she was and how much she has grown. Unfortunately, it is also a reminder that we are not pregnant or expecting another addition anytime soon as I had hoped. Our IUI fertility treatment in August was not successful and we did another IUI after that one (just a few weeks ago), which failed also. Yet, I am trying to constantly remind myself that God's plans are greater and better and higher than my plans... that time and time again He has proven himself trustworthy and to rest in him. 

As I taped boxes closed of adorable dresses, itsy bitsy baby shoes, swaddling blankets, and more, I prayed two prayers. The first that God would work a miracle, so one day I would get to open these back up and use them. The second was "Thank you that I got to experience this at all and I will still trust you even if I never get to experience this again." While Jamie and I are still actively praying and trying for a miracle, we are also done spending money till at least the new year on fertility treatments. We also are trying to recuperate from paying the expenses of the last two IUI's and the shocking bill of having to pay $1,000 for the genetic testing I had done. Thankfully, that testing revealed that I have no genetic abnormalities causing my miscarriages. Right now we actually have decided to focus on spending time together as a family and making memories. 

So with that said, we are really excited that next month Jamie and I are going to take an 8-year anniversary cruise without Molly. I can't even imagine how much we are going to miss her. We are renting our house out for furniture market, and while we are kicked out it corresponds with Jamie's birthday AND our 8-year wedding anniversary. Jamie's mom was willing to watch Molly  and Bryson so we could have a getaway and the house rental almost evenly covers the cost of the cruise, so in my mind it is more of a swap. We really thought long and hard about if this was the right thing to do. But really...when in the world are you going to line up free childcare & doggy care for 5 nights, someone to rent your house to cover your vacation expenses, already have time off of work (my jobs are on fall break & Jamie will have just finished fall busy season), and have a cruise leaving the exact day your vacation starts within driving distance?  This just doesn't happen! Cheers to this much needed mental health break from this crazy fertility journey we are on!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

So You're Saying There's a Chance...

For those of you following our story, you may be wondering what in the world is going on with us in our infertility journey and the short answer is a little bit of something, mostly nothing, but hopefully something soon. Since January we have been trying from home to get pregnant while also trying to save up for fertility treatments. I take Letrozole (aka Femara) every month to make me ovulate, but so far no second line on the pregnancy tests. Every cycle month after month, it is so frustrating to see hopes dashed till you kind of stop hoping (or mostly) because it is just too hard. Saving this year has been a lot more difficult for us than in previous years, so even though we have saved up some it was not where I was hoping we would be.

When I started this year, my thought was I really wanted to give God one year to see what he would or could do to help us get pregnant without IVF. To lay before him this year and ask him for a miracle child that wouldn't involve us spending quite as much to get there...where it was clear that he should get the glory, AND that a large portion of our small savings could go towards a better family vehicle. We own a 1995 and a 1998 car and one of those is a 2-door, which is beyond ideal with car seats. If I believe God is both the King of the universe and an intimate friend, I can pray big prayers and lay before Him all my needs and the desires of my heart. He may not answer both or either of these big requests with a yes, but at least I am doing my part to pray for these things.

Because we have been trying to save money and because I haven't really wanted to deal with the emotions of it, I have avoided going to talk to my fertility doctor about what really happened with the miscarriages and talk about next steps. Well on Friday, I put on my big girl panties and I went. Jamie and I always think that getting pregnant in August, September, and October is the most ideal scenario because it wouldn't put me having a baby in the middle of tax season and it works out so much better with my teaching schedule. So we talked about doing something to try and increase our chances for those months. In the end we talked about doing maybe 1 or 2 IUI's (Interuterine Insemination) starting in September. So my thought was if I go to my Dr.'s appointment, maybe we can get some answers and talk about doing an IUI next month. Basically, IUI is about $1,000 for each try, which is not cheap; however, it isn't the $15,000 for IVF. Reversely, our chances aren't as great either though (different sources have given us between a 3% and 12% chance). Jamie and I actually did 2 IUI's that were unsuccessful before moving onto IVF. I struggle with the emotion of feeling like, "Could this really work?" and "Isn't that moving backward?", but any month you have even the slightest increase in chance of pregnancy is worth considering when you desire to have a baby.

At my Dr.'s appointment on Friday we discussed some tests that I could have done to see if I have MTHFR (a gene that causes your body to not absorb folic acid correctly) and a few other things, but she thinks my miscarriages are due to genetic abnormalities in the embryos. After that she suggested we do an ultrasound to see if my uterus was clear from the previous losses. As I lay there waiting for the ultrasound tech, I started sobbing. So many emotions came rushing back. The last time I was I getting an ultrasound in that room I was having bleeding from my last pregnancy, but we were seeing a glimmer of hope because we could see the little baby sac formed inside. Here I was about to see that same womb without that child and coincidentally about a week and a half after the due date of that baby. I tried to gather myself together, but when the same ultrasound tech from our last appointment came in, I just turned into a puddle of tears. She was so sweet and understanding about all of it, but I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me.

As we did the ultrasound, we discovered that all was clear and I have 2 eggs developing this month from the fertility drugs I was already on for an at home try. So my Dr. suggested we start the IUI process over the next few days to try and catch these eggs. Huh? An IUI process like now? Like as in the next few days? Like whaa??? I understood why she was suggesting this and it makes logical sense, but my emotions were AND are still trying to catch up with what is going on. After talking about it Jamie and I agreed that we would go for it. Also, because I didn't need to have regular monitoring like in a normal IUI, this cycle would be less expensive than the average cost of a cycle. Is this how God is trying to help us save us money or will this end in heartbreak? When I booked this appointment it just happened to fall on my cycle day 12, but I definitely did not request it. Did God pick this day for me to come? I still don't know the answer to this. But here we are in the midst of all these questions and trying to make the best decisions we can! Jamie gave me my trigger shot last night, which should cause my ovulation to happen on Monday. 

The other day I was reading over Hannah's story from The Bible, which I feel like I have read over and over. But this time I felt like there was something new he wanted to reveal just to me. As I sat there thinking through if I could ever give Molly up after all the heartache it took to have her, I began getting bitter. "God how could you let her give up her only child? Wasn't she so beside herself? Couldn't you have given her more children?" I kept reading...

"Each year his mother made him (Samuel her first born son) a little robe and took it to him when she went up with her husband to offer the annual sacrifice. Eli (the priest) would bless Elkanah and his wife, saying "May the Lord give you children by this woman to take the place of the one she prayed for and gave to the Lord." Then they would go home. And the Lord was gracious to Hannah; she gave birth to three sons and two daughters."   

Molly praying for a sibling.

So here I am again begging you for intercessory prayer. Please if you can pray that God would work a miracle this month for us, we would really covet your prayers. We have some specific needs that you could pray over including:
-that God would craft beautiful timing of both my procedure and my body's timing
-that Jamie would have great swimmers
-that God would work a miracle pregnancy
-that he would protect our hearts from another loss and go before us so we could have a healthy pregnancy and baby AND
-that the Lord would be gracious to us in our desire for another child

I  struggle to even share this, because the chances of success are so slim. I say this with love, but please don't come up to me over the next few weeks and ask if it worked. Pray for us, but also pretend like you know nothing if I see you because there is nothing worse than not getting pregnant and having to tell everyone in person over and over. Chances are high we probably won't be pregnant, but at the same time they are higher than they were from the other months this year. 

We are so thankful to those of you who are on this journey with us and give us so much encouragement.