On Saturday night/Sunday morning at midnight Jamie and I were just getting ready to go to bed. As we were literally crawling towards our pillows, my first contraction hit. When you are a first time mom you expect to be laboring at home for quite a while...I was thinking it might be at least 7 hours at home before I had the necessary contractions that were about 5 minutes apart to be admitted into labor and delivery. I had lot of Braxton Hicks contractions that never went anywhere for several weeks, so we began the waiting to see if these would continue and not just vanish. My first 3 or 4 contractions were already 5 to 7 minutes apart though and I decided during that time I was going to take a bath.
By 12:30 the contractions had moved to 3 minutes apart and my water broke...not in a gush, but definitely started leaking. That is when I told Jamie, okay this is really happening we need to start getting ready to go to the hospital and "this is happening really fast." So Jamie began running around the house trying to get everything taken care of. He was getting our dog Bryson ready to be shipped out in the backyard for the night, wrapping up work e-mails, and pulling together the last minute list of things we needed to pack that couldn't be packed earlier (phone chargers, medicines, etc...). Thank God I had posted this list above our already packed bags, because there is no way I would have been of sound mind to communicate these things to him. I, on the other hand, made friends with our toilet as I had (er...how do I say this) stomach issues and simultaneously started vomiting all over the bathroom floor. Beautiful...I know!
Jamie came in and cleaned up, as I got back into the tub to labor. My contractions by 1am consistently were 1 minute and 30 seconds apart and consistently lasted at least a minute...wow! Crazy. At that point, I was like "Okay...we have got to leave for the hospital NOW." From everything I read, contractions that close together meant transition, which is the last stage of labor before pushing. Yet, I didn't really think I was in transition. Jamie packed up the car as I put clothes on in between contractions.
As we left the house, Jamie asks "should we call the hospital and tell them that we are coming?" My response was "Ummm no. By the time I call them we will already be there." Thankfully, the hospital is only a 10 minute drive from our house. As I sat down to check in while Jamie parked the car, I was leaking water ALL over their chairs and apologizing to the check-in lady profusely. Around this time I remember my contractions stayed about the same in length, but increased 10-fold in intensity. My back was in tons of pain...aka "back labor". In triage a nurse was trying to ask me questions, but Jamie was having to answer all of them bc I couldn't speak. We were only there for about 3 to 5 minutes before another nurse asked about my water breaking. With no shame, I just pulled my pants down to show her the situation. She said "Okayyyy! Let's go get you a labor room." This still makes me chuckle.
Speed forward and we are in the room and I got a check to see how far along I was....only at 1.5/2cm dilated! What? I was almost that at my dr.'s appointment on Tuesday? Then began the waiting on my epidural. For anyone who has had back labor...I am so sorry. It was so dramatically different than the contractions I was having at home. I was pressing my head against the wall while Jamie massaged my back and the next day I had a bruise on my forehead because I guess without realizing it, I was pressing so hard. I remember during those contractions feeling at the end of my rope.
At about 2:30am I got the epidural. Oh that sweet sweet juice! Ahhhhh...such a sigh of relief. There is nothing about getting the epidural that I regret at all. It was the perfect decision for me. After that I felt like I could be more present in the moment and it started setting in that Jamie and I were going to have a baby. We could then hold a conversation and kept saying "Oh my gosh! We are going to have a baby today. She is really going to be here soon."
At my next check at 3:30ish, I had progressed to 3cm. Around that time we decided we better get a little rest because it was going to be a long day. Jamie slept and I...well rested at least. All night I had this amazing nurse, Lauren, who took such good care of me. Because the epidural would wear off on one side or another, she kept helping me turn to one side or another so I could remain comfortable. Her and I had some good conversations while Jamie was knocked out. I asked her if Molly had hair, since she did my last check and she said yes. That made me really excited! I also asked her when she thought we would have her...to which she replied "I think you'll have her this afternoon."
At 8am there was a shift change and I had to say goodbye to Lauren (major frowny face here), but she said she had another night shift in just 12 hours and so she would come meet our baby girl in recovery. Anita was my new nurse and she did an excellent job as well. Around this time, I sent Jamie to go get some breakfast downstairs. I took this opportunity to call my Mom and update her on how I was doing. Jamie had called her initially in the middle of the night just to let them know we were at the hospital. After our quick conversation, Anita checked me again and said "Okay, well you are at a 9 and a half. It looks like you are going to have this baby soon." I called Jamie and was said..."Get back up here!"
My doctor and Jamie came in and she said "I am going to make rounds, let you labor down and come back in an hour to deliver Molly." Laboring down is where they let the baby naturally move down some into the birth canal, which saves pushing time and since I had the epidural that was fine with me. But right after she said that, I remember feeling this strong contraction and I made a weird face and let out a grunt. The doctor and Anita looked at each other and decided to give me another check, which is when the doc said "Okayyyy. So I am not going anywhere! You are ready to have this baby RIGHT NOW." She threw on her gown and they started preparing Molly's crib frantically. Before I knew it, Jamie whose plan was to remain up by my head and not see the gory show, was told to grab a leg and help me push. So much for that plan!
After 19 minutes of pushing at 8:49am on Sunday, May 24th, Molly shot out of me like a cannon and flopped out onto the table so quickly no one could catch her! It scared the crap out of Jamie. What can I say...Molly is impatient like her Momma! They placed her on my chest all bloody, beautiful and screaming. Mmmmm...what an awesome moment. Streams of tears were flowing down both our faces. It is hard to describe what a rush of love you immediately have for this new precious little life. This baby that we had longed for and prayed for was finally here safe, healthy, and beautiful. Praise God for this precious gift!!! We are so undeserving of this blessing! There are not enough words to describe the goodness of this time!
There are so many things that I am thankful for...a quick first delivery, pain meds that worked, modern medicine that made infertility treatment possible, her health, the fact that even though I did have a 2nd degree tear it could have been much much worse, an awesome husband who also is an awesome father, and most of all an awesome God that helped us to conceive this child!!
Isn't Jamie so handsome holding her? Geez I married well!
At birth Molly Joy Reynolds weighed 7 lbs even and was exactly 20" long.
Thanks for reading everyone!