Say whaaaat?? This group I refer to is made up of women who have been through infertility struggles for years and came out on the other end as mothers. Most of these women struggled for 5, 7, 10, 12+ years before becoming the moms they are today. In my church, there are several women from this club and I cannot tell you how much being in community with these women has meant to me!! I have had several women from this club mentor me, pray for me, and encourage me that God is still with me and we will have children in his perfect timing! Major sigh of thankfulness for all of their wisdom!
I call them the infantry because boy do they have spiritual war wounds! I also think the longer they were in the throws of infertility, the more revered they are for their wisdom. Like a little boy sitting next to his father listening closely to his war stories on the very edge of their seat, so I enjoy sitting and hearing all about their infertility journeys. Why? Because they give me hope! One of the things that I love about their stories is when their little ones come in and interrupt the conversation, because it is like jumping toward the back of a good book to see the happy ending of their story.
These women adopted, went through ivf, went through iui's, tried different medications, got poked and prodded, had their husbands tested for infertility markers, and the list goes on! All of them seem like they handled it differently. Some tell me "I just completely checked out after the 5th year" and "I did not handle my infertility very gracefully" (yeah I understand being in that club). I remember after my first negative pregnancy test thinking, "Oh God what if this takes us a year to get pregnant? I am not strong enough for that." I laugh about that now, because you never know what you can handle. The spiritual strength of these women is awe inspiring! Throughout this past year and a half I have really felt so loved on by these women! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Proverbs 31:26 says
"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."
These women adopted, went through ivf, went through iui's, tried different medications, got poked and prodded, had their husbands tested for infertility markers, and the list goes on! All of them seem like they handled it differently. Some tell me "I just completely checked out after the 5th year" and "I did not handle my infertility very gracefully" (yeah I understand being in that club). I remember after my first negative pregnancy test thinking, "Oh God what if this takes us a year to get pregnant? I am not strong enough for that." I laugh about that now, because you never know what you can handle. The spiritual strength of these women is awe inspiring! Throughout this past year and a half I have really felt so loved on by these women! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Proverbs 31:26 says
"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."