So just this past Tuesday I hit the start of my 3rd trimester! Wow! It seems like it is going by so fast and so slow all at the same time! I can't believe how much the baby is moving! Jamie has started being able to see her move from the outside.
A few weeks ago a friend recommended that I share all of my crazy pregnancy dreams. So here are a few! Warning these make absolutely no sense, but prepare to be amused!
I had a dream where I...
...was dating Matthew McConaughey. Jamie didn't exist in this dream. But anyways....Matthew lived on an old trolley car (which was kind of cool), but I wasn't really that into him so of course I was forced to break it off. In the end, we decided it was better to be friends who occasionally made out. What? Like you have control over all your dreams! Lol.
...lived in a war zone and was on a mission to save this girl who was being kept hostage in a dog kennel. I arrived at the house where she was being kept, but had to pretend to ignore her and be a confidant of the people keeping her hostage. In the end, I escaped with her somehow, though the details are fuzzy on exactly how that happened. Later, I was preparing to go into battle and I remember being really nervous. There was a large rolling cart of mattresses that I was standing on as this rolling cart was whizzing through cobblestone streets, I was holding a flame thrower along with two other leader-type guys and we were about to be entering into a battle zone. do I describe this one? I had a period of time when I was progesterone support and I noticed that I had really dark scary dreams when I was on the progesterone pills, anywho....Basically, I was on this farm where a Bam Margera type character was torturing all of these cattle with his friends...breaking their legs and laughing about it...really sick stuff like that. The dream felt very demonic. Somehow I managed to get a hold of a gun and I shot all of the bad guys, but then I had to shoot the animals that were suffering because that was the humane thing to do.
...was administering an exam to my class, which had about 100 students in it. We only had a 50 minute class period for this very long exam, so I was already stressing out. After I opened up class, I asked the students if they had any questions before I gave out the exam. Over 15 students raised their hand. Sensing that a lot of them were trying to toy with the time constraints of the exam, I re-phrased my question to say "Does anyone have concepts from the book that you have questions about?" Everyone's hands went down. "Great! Let's gets started." A magical helper appeared and assisted me in handing out the exams. During the end of the exam, the students were suppose to go out in the hallway and refer to a set of informative posters to answer the last few questions on the test (I don't Well students started filtering out into the hallway, BUT there was this school gang that had chains and they were forcing my students into this warehouse for gang initiations. When I tried to see where my students were being led off to, I myself got led away by the gang too. Scared to death of what I was about to see, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this gang was teaching students about an online business adventure where they sold baby clothes through a website (can you tell I was doing too much online baby shopping during this period?). The demonstration included robots selecting items off of racks for orders and placing them in shipping boxes.
...was in a room with all mirrors and I was waiting to meet the Emperor. There was lots of interior details that I was oooing and awwing over.
...was at a 25 week ob appointment getting a check-up on the baby and I sneezed! I sneezed so hard that the baby shot out of me! I laid her down on some table was trying to get a nurse to help me so we could get her over to a NICU as soon as possible.
...that there was a plus-size model who was making fun of how big my hips were getting. In my dream, I was really offended and crying profusely. When I woke up, I was really shaken up about it. Feeling very self conscious, I told Jamie who was half out of it. He reached over as I was laying on my side, touched what he thought was my belly and said "Is that your baby belly?" I started crying (in real life) and said "THAT'S MY HIP!!" Oh pregnancy hormones!!!
...was at my mother-in-laws house giving birth. There were lots of people around me and I didn't really care. When she was born, she was covered in dirt and coffee grinds. My sister-in-law (Amy) and one of Jamie's cousins went with Jamie to wash the dirt off of her in the shower. Jamie came out of the shower and we embraced each other and started crying because we couldn't believe we finally had a baby and were parents. They brought the baby over to us and she had super chiseled model cheeks that were very pink, like she had on lots of blush, but they were all natural. Then my mother-in-law was trying to get everyone to clean up the house so she could host a viewing party for people to come see our new little edition.
Those are just a few! I am pretty glad that the period of me being on progesterone pills is over. Though I slept really really deeply, I had a lot of nightmares on those pills.
I have a feeling the closer I get to her due date that I will have more and more dreams about delivery, which I am kind of excited about. Stay tuned! A lot of really fun updates are coming to the blog including pictures from baby showers, details about our babymoon, and, the post I am most looking forward to, giving you guys a tour of the babies room when it is finished!!!